– 10 Minute Waiting Period

If someone drops from a game, the host is required to pause the game for 10 minutes or until the player returns.

A dropped player has 10 minutes to rejoin the game without penalty, otherwise they may be considered a quitter.If a player does not return within 10 minutes, the remaining players should vote to concede or to scrap the game.

A majority vote can decide to spend a maximum of 10 minutes trying to find a substitute player. If scrap and concede votes fail, and a sub is not desired or cannot be found, the game must be continued with AI.You may skip the scrap, concede, and sub votes, if a vote to continue with AI passes (simple majority).

Players taking longer than 10 minutes to return are allowed back into the game if there are no objections. In case of an objection, the remaining players must vote and a simple majority allows the player back in.

If a player quits a game and the game is scrapped before the 10 minutes to rejoin are up, it is still considered a quit unless the player communicates in discord that he is returning.

If a player clearly states in text or verbally that they are leaving the game and disconnects, the host may immediately remove the player from the game. The player will be issued a quit. If a player disconnects and leaves the server (not just the voice channel), the player has in effect said they are intentionally quitting the game.


– 3 Drop Policy

– 3 Drop Policy Each player (including the host) gets two penalty-free disconnects from the game. Firaxis crashes or drops during a relobby do not count as drops under this policy.

After the 3rd drop, the remaining players can vote to remove the disconnector from the game by secret vote as follows:

  • – FFA games: Majority vote of the players (excluding the disconnector)
  • – Teamers games: Majority vote of the opposing team. If a disconnector is not let back into the game, the remaining players on the disconnector’s team must spend a maximum of 10 minutes to find a solution to the problem (substitute player, CC vote, etc.)

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