BBG Patch v6.0.0 (Governor Update)

Global Changes

Game Mechanics & General Changes


Game Concepts

Era Gate: The era gate for technologies is increased to 30% (from 20%).  This is a mechanic when you are researching technologies from an era ahead of the current game era whereby the cost of those technologies is increased.



Science Cost: All technologies after the Classical Era now cost 5% more science

Steel: Eureka is now “Have a Renaissance Walls” (from build a Coal mine and an Ironclad)

Districts, Buildings, and Improvements

Watermill/Palgum: no longer requires a city with a river

Fisheries: buildable at Celestial Navigation (from Cartography



Drums of War:

  • Golden – Encampment and its buildings give +1 production (from buildings only).  Grants culture equal to 40% of the combat strength of units killed.
  • Normal – +1 Era Score when recruiting a great person


See governor trees at the bottom of the patch notes.

Great People

Napoleon: Retire effect changed to grant 1 balloon (from form an army)

Joaneanne d’Arc: Retire effect changed to form an army (from grant 2 relics)


Bastions: No longer gives the city center additional ranged combat strength (from +5 ranged strength)


Jade:  +1 production (from +0), but can no longer spawn on plains.


Passive Spread: Reverted back to 10 tiles (from 12)

Cross-Cultural Dialog: +1 science for every 3 followers (from 4) in foreign cities

World Church:  +1 culture for every 3 followers (from 4) in foreign cities

Pilgrimage: +2 faith base and +1 at Theology

Tithe: +2 gold base (from +3)  and +1 at Theology


Recon: Skirmishers and up gain +1 additional sight (from rangers and up)

Aircraft Carrier: Melee combat strength increased to 80 (from 70)

Embolon and Line of Battle: Promotions for naval melee and naval ranged respectively reduced to +5 combat strength (from +7)


Oxford University: moved to Urbanization (from Scientific Theory)

Cristo Redentor: Bonus tourism for seaside resorts reduced to 75% (from 100%)

Civilization / Leader Changes

Australia: Pastures no longer give +1 production

Babylon: Palgum: grants +1 production on farm tiles (same as watermill)

Byzantium: Dromons get +5 combat strength against naval units

Byzantium, Theodora: Hippodromes no longer get culture adjacency

China: Eureka/Inspiration boost reduced to +5% (from +10%).

REMOVED bonus eureka/inspiration for finishing wonders.

Crouching Tiger: reduced to 170 production (standard speed)

Great Wall: +1 Culture at Military Science

China, Qin Shi Mandate: Gets a eureka/inspiration when completing a wonder

China, Qin Shi Unifier: Books provide +1 Food. Get a eureka/inspiration when recruiting a General or Writer.

China, Wu Zetian: Traders and Spies get +2 sight. Recon units get +1 sight with Machinery. Land units within 3 tiles of a Recon unit gain +3 Combat Strength. Get a eureka/inspiration when completing a building in your Government Plaza or Diplomatic Quarter.

China, Yongle: Food and Faith projects convert 70% of their production (from 60%). Get a eureka when each city reaches 13 population and an inspiration when each city reaches 18 population for the first time.

Kublai (China and Mongolia): Trade Routes receive +1 Science and Culture for every 20 tiles they travel.

Egypt, Ptolemaic: Improved resources on floodplains get +1 culture (from +0).

England: Bonus production toward IZ buildings removed.

Sea Dogs: Combat Strength reduced to 53 (from 55)

England, Elizabeth: Naval Raiders can attack and promote in the same turn

England, Victoria Age of Empire:

Cities settled on a new continent no longer get a free Trade Routes capacity.

Cities settled or conquered 10+ tiles from the capital get a free melee unit (from once per continent).

Civilian units escorted by melee naval units gain their movement.

England, Victoria Age of Steam:

REMOVED: +1 Production to improved Strategic Resources.

+20% Production toward IZ buildings (moved from England).

Cities with a lighthouse get +1 Great Engineer point per turn.

Industrial Zones get standard adjacency from Royal Navy Dockyards

France, Catherine Magnificent: Court Festival provides +3% global tourism each time it is finished (from giving flat tourism based on excess luxury resources)

Greece, Pericles: +5% tourism per city state suzerain

Germany: Commercial Hubs culture bomb adjacent tiles

India, Gandhi: Settlers and builders produced from a city with a Holy Site get +1 movement (from no required Holy Site)

Japan, Hojo: Coastal combat bonus is now +3 (from +5)


Seowon: +1 base Science adjacency (from +2). Science Specialists grant +1 Food (from +0). Negative adjacency removed. Theater/Seowon adjacency removed.

Korea, Sejong: Entirely replaced with the below

When completing the first tech of a new era, receive your Science per turn as Culture.

Seowons get -1 adjacency from other districts. seowon and Theater squares grant each other major adjacency (this was moved from the base Seowon ability to Sejong).

Cities with a seowon and a Theater Square receive +1 Culture and +2 Tourism per district.

+15% Production toward builders in cities without Governors after Feudalism.

Korea, Seondeok: Entirely replaced with the below

REMOVED: +3% Science and Culture per Governor Title

+1 Amenity in cities with a Governor.

+30% yields to Seowon buildings for each governor promotion in the city.

When you unlock Feudalism, cities you founded without a Governor get -10% to all yields.

+1 Governor title at Feudalism.

Maya: Units gain +3 combat strength within 6 tiles of your capital

Scythia: Kurgan base faith reduced to +1 (from +2)

Sweden: After Political Philosophy, cities on desert, tundra, or snow tiles get +1 food and +1 production base

Mali: Entirely replaced with the below

-15% Production toward all production.

Mines receive -1 Production and +4 Gold.

Cities receive +1 Food for each desert tile adjacent to your City Center.

Cities receive +1 Faith if they own at least 2 desert tiles.

May purchase Commercial Hub district buildings with Faith.

Suguba: reduces faith and gold purchases by 10%. +1 adjacency from rivers, oasis, City Centers, Government Plaza and every 2 adjacent districts.

Mali, Mansa Musa: Entirely replaced with the below
Grant +1 Trade Route capacity at Banking.

Holy Sites grant standard adjacency to Sugubas.

+15% Production toward Holy Sites and their Buildings.

Mali, Sundiata: Entirely replaced with the below

Patronage of Great People costs 30% less gold (from 20%).

Theater Squares grant standard adjacency to Sugubas.

Cities with a Suguba and Theater Square receive +1 Great Writer point.

Markets gain +2 slots for Great Works of Writing in cities founded by Mali.

Great Works of Writing grant +4 Gold and +2 Culture (from +4 Gold +2 Production)

Rome, Trajan: Free monuments now at Foreign Trade (from Code of Laws)

Vietnam: Military units except Voi Chien no longer get +1 movement from features in neutral or enemy territory


Governor trees are changed as depicted below.  Due to the large rework and for clarity, only the new abilities are shown.

Bug Fixes

  • Macedon’s +20% Production when conquering a city should no longer trigger when someone else takes a city.
  • The Strategic Air Force policy now correctly works with atomic era planes