Global Changes

Game Mechanics & General Changes

Game Concepts

Religious Alliance: +1 Food per Trade Route

Diplo Favor: Conquering a Capital now gives +2 Diplomatic Favor per turn instead of -2

Drums of War: +1 Production and +1 Culture now on Encampment buildings only, not on the district itself

Free Inquiry: Reduce bonus eureka to 5% (from 10%).

Unit Production Congress: Modified to +50% production/gold/faith (from +100%) or -25% production/gold/faith (from -50%)

City States

Armagh: Monasteries get +1 Food base (from +0) and +1 Faith per adjacent district at Reformed Church (from no scaling on faith adjacency)

Auckland: Now only works on improved tiles

Bandar Brunei: Additionally adds +2 gold on international Trade Routes

Caguana: Bateys receive +1 production per adjacent Strategic resource, +1 gold per adjacency Luxury and are now buildable on hills.

Cardiff: Additionally adds +1 Production and +1 Gold to Harbor buildings

Geneva: Entirely replaced with – Eurekas provide an additional +5% of the science cost for researching technologies

Granada: Alcazars receive +1 Production base and +1 Culture per adjacent Encampment

Hattusa: +2 of each discovered strategic even if you have one improved

Jerusalem: Additionally, each city with a Holy Site receives +1 Gold

Lahore: Nihang base strength is now 28 (from 25)

La Venta: Colossal Heads received +1 Food base and +1 Housing

Mexico City: Additionally aqueducts grant +1 amenity

Mogadishu: Additionally adds +2 gold on international Trade Routes

Rapa Nui: Moai can now be placed next to woods and rainforest

Samarkand: Trading Domes now give +2 gold and +1 faith on routes per Trading Dome (from +1 gold)

Singapore: Entirely replaced with: +2 Production per external Trade Route

Venice: +2 gold per Luxury in destination city (from +1)


Nationalism: Inspiration changed to: Own a level 3 land unit (from start a war using a Casus Belli)

Districts, Buildings, and Improvements

Dam and Canal: base cost now 36 (from 54), same as Aqueduct

Neighborhood: base cost now 40 (from 54)

Grove: +1 Food and Faith on tiles with Charming or less appeal, +1 Culture on Tiles with Charming appeal, +2 Food/Faith/Culture on tiles with Breathtaking appeal

Sanctuary: +1 Science and Gold if the tile is Charming or less appeal, +1 production if the tile is Charming, +2 Science/Gold/Production if the tile is Breathtaking Appeal

Hanger: +1 Aluminum when it is revealed

City Parks: Reduced from 3 culture to 2 culture

Fisheries: +1 Housing (from 0.5)

Fort: now gives +1 vision and are unlocked at Military Engineering (from Siege Tactics).  The vision is also added to Roman Forts, Pa, Great Wall, and Alcazar

Airport: +1 Aluminum and +1 Uranium when it is revealed


Autocracy: Additionally, Monuments give +1 Production and +1 Food if the city has a specialty district

Theocracy: Faith discount back to -15% (reverting the previous nerf now that Exodus of the Evangelis Golden Age is removed and stacking discounts for free religious units is no longer possible)


Magnus: +2 production and +2 food promotions on internal Trade Routes swapped

Great People

Zhou Daguan: Can be activated in any city state (from only if not at war)


Medina Quarter: +1 Housing per District (from +2 Housing in cities with 3 specialty districts)


Tithe: +3 Gold per city following your religion (from +2, this change reverts it to base game)

World Church: now +1 science per 4 citizens converted (from 3 citizens)

Cross-Cultural Dialog: now +1 culture per 4 citizens converted (from 3 citizens)


Military Engineers: +1 Charge, now 3 (from 2)


Tithe: +3 Gold per city following your religion (from +2, this change reverts it to base game)

World Church: now +1 science per 4 citizens converted (from 3 citizens)

Cross-Cultural Dialog: now +1 culture per 4 citizens converted (from 3 citizens)

Civilization / Leader Changes

America, Teddy BM: Bonus yields on tiles from appeal delayed until Code of Laws

Arabia, Saladin (Sultan): -1 Gold maintenance for all military units

China, Qin-Shi (Mandate of Heaven): +1 Food per wonder built in the city

Egypt: District and Wonder production on rivers reduced to 20% (from 25%)

Egypt, Ptolemaic: Remove culture from floodplains resources.  Keep food and revert to receiving the food turn 1.

France, Eleanor: +20% Production for Ancient and Classical wonders

Germany: Commercial Hubs culture bomb adjacent tiles

Germany, Ludwig: +1 Culture per adjacent district to wonders at Drama and Poetry (from Political Philosophy)

Hungary: Extra Diplomatic Policy Card removed

India, Gandhi: War weariness malus reduced to 50% (from 100%)

India, Chandragupta: +1 General point moved to Temple (from shrine)

Kongo, Mbande: Civilian units now ignore forest

Kongo, Mvemba: Receives +1 Gold and +0.2 Culture per citizen in a city following any religion

Macedon: Extra Military Policy Card removed

Mali: Production malus to -15% (from -20%).

Cities no longer receive any faith from adjacent desert tiles.

Holy Sites gain +1 adjacency from being placed on a desert tile.
Holy Sites gain +1 adjacency from being placed next to an Oasis tile.

Mali, Mansa Musa:
Remove free trade route capacity each golden era.  Grant +1 trade route capacity at Banking

Maori: +1 Food on Fishing Boats delayed until after Celestial Navigation

Norway, Varangian: +1CS on attack for naval units per city-state that you are suzerain of.

Ottoman: +3CS for all siege units (from +5 vs city centers)

Ottoman, Mutheseem: +2CS for all military units while in a normal or dark age, doubled against civs that are also in a normal or dark age.

Sumeria: Ziggurat Faith delayed until Early Empire